Since March 2020 we’ve been videoing our messages and sermons. On this page you’ll find an audio archive of our sermons from earlier years. For our most recent messages, head over to our YouTube channel here.
In the run up to Easter Sunday, Jeremy looks at how Peter denied Jesus three times, just as Jesus had predicted. Peter wept bitterly when he realised what he’d done. What does this whole episode have to teach us about God’s mercy?
This week we dive into Genesis 41 and look at the passage of Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams. With this text as the backdrop, Jeremy leads us through the questions: What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about Joseph? and What can we learn for this upcoming week in […]
This week join us as we look at the theme of teaching and being taught in response to Deuteronomy 6. Greg explores this passage focusing on the question: ‘What do we teach to the next generation after us?’
This is the second sermon in our monthly series ‘Believe’. Throughout this sermon Jeremy explores the second line of the Apostles’ Creed ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord’ showing us the identity of Jesus.
Does God have a plan for your life? How can you work out God’s sovereign providence? Join us as Jeremey takes us through Genesis 37v12-36 exploring these big questions through the life of Joseph. This is the second sermon in our new series Joseph. Please note that this audio recording is quiet and you may […]
This new year we will be exploring the Apostles Creed during our family service through the new series Believe. This is the first sermon in this series focusing on ‘There is a God’
The first sermon in our new series Joseph, looks at Genesis 37 v1-12.
Do you love Jesus? Jeremy Ross leads us through the second part of this chapter as we finish up our sermon series in the gospel of John.
Greg Doty takes us through the first half of John 21. Following the passage as it outlines that Jesus comes to us, we come to Jesus and Jesus feeds us.
Looking into 20:20 with a 20:31 vision John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.