In this passage Jesus is telling his disciples what to expect when he goes away. He wants them to be prepared for it so they will not go astray.
In this passage Jesus is telling his disciples what to expect when he goes away. He wants them to be prepared for it so they will not go astray.
“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (verse 25)
Blindness in the bible equates to spiritual blindness, that is not understanding the truth of God the Father and His Son, Jesus. In this passage, Jesus heals a blind man.
Maybe you come to church not really seeing Jesus. What Jesus is promising in this account in John is that we will have life through Him.
By this stage in Jesus’ ministry, the Pharisees are trying to kill Him. This passage describes how the Pharisees set up a situation with a woman caught in adultery to try to trick Jesus. Jesus lavishes his grace on this girl – he does not condemn her, he forgives her.
Jesus has delivered what he promised. He urges us to have life through Him.
Jesus takes a miracle that he has done and uses it to teach about who he is and why he has come. This passage also describes how people grumbled amongst themselves and towards Jesus as well.
Jesus has just healed a man on the Sabbath against the Jew’s interpretation of God’s laws and they are angry with him. Jesus speaks to them and tells them he works on the Sabbath doing the same works as his Father and they hate him even more.
John writes so that we would believe that Jesus is the Christ. In this account he tells us about the healing at a pool called Bethesda.
In this passage, a royal official begs Jesus to heal his son. Jesus tells him that his son will live. John tells us that this was the second miraculous sign that Jesus performed.