We value some people over others. God looks at things differently. In this passage, righteous means being obedient to his law. Wicked means being disobedient to his law. We should remember that there is no one righteous, not even one.
We value some people over others. God looks at things differently. In this passage, righteous means being obedient to his law. Wicked means being disobedient to his law. We should remember that there is no one righteous, not even one.
Marriage and divorce, the subject of today’s passage, is written about in two of the gospels. We will look at Mark’s account and Jesus’ teaching about this subject. None of us have been perfect husbands or wives and we may have seen the effects on our families and with our parents. So this passage applies to us […]
Life can sometimes can sometimes throw up things we are not expecting and God does not always behave the way we expect Him to. This is Habbakuk’s experience in this passage where he voices his ‘second complaint’ – ‘the nation is corrupt and sinful, they do what they want to do and why are you doing nothing? God answers […]
Exciting and dramatic events have been described earlier in the book of Acts. Jesus has ascended into heaven, Pentecost has happened, Stephen has been stoned, Paul has been converted and so we come to the end of Paul’s missionary journeys. Often a series of study on Acts will end here. What Paul goes on to say he also says in […]
It is not wrong to desire or want things. What is wrong is that you would be driven to desire things so that you would have them and other people would not. It is a corrupt view of the world that God has made. It is wrong not to recognise that the creative genius in people […]
You shall not commit adultery. Perhaps we think we have not broken this commandment but when we look into the words of Jesus Christ, we have all broken every commandment in one way or another. Pastor Jeremy Ross looks at how this commandment applies to everyone’s lives today.
The apostles have been warned not to preach in Jesus’ name but they defy this instruction. They continue to proclaim the good news that Jesus is the Christ and that he has been raised from the dead.
Should we dream and plan for the future, knowing that every decision is ‘from the Lord’? Is there really a conflict? Rev Dr Manuel Reano is a Free Church of Scotland missionary and Bible scholar from Peru serving at the Colombia Bible Seminary in Medellin, Colombia