It’s a minister’s privilege to be at someone’s deathbed when they have trust in God. In this passage we start a series in looking at Jesus’ last words at his crucifixion.
It’s a minister’s privilege to be at someone’s deathbed when they have trust in God. In this passage we start a series in looking at Jesus’ last words at his crucifixion.
v 45: “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land”. At his crucifixion, Jesus endured acute physical and spiritual pain and the venom of his enemies. Visiting minister, Rev Alasdair Macleod, takes our communion service today and talks us through the past, present and future significance of the darkness at […]
Zechariah 12 v10-14 John 19 v 17-27 In these passages, we consider the fulfilment of the prophesy ‘look on the One who is pierced and mourn’. At the beginning of 2016, it is good for us to remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, so soon after celebrating his birth at Christmas – to […]