Something has gone wrong with the world. Creation groans, as Christians, we groan, and the Spirit intercedes for us with groans.
Something has gone wrong with the world. Creation groans, as Christians, we groan, and the Spirit intercedes for us with groans.
So far in chapter 1 of the gospel of Mark, there have been two key moments: the Holy Spirit has descended on Jesus Jesus says the kingdom of God is here – repent & believe The ministry of Jesus Christ has begun and Mark explains the many reasons why we should follow Jesus: he has […]
Tertullian wrote in 197AD “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church”. This passage in Acts 8 sees the church scattered after a great persecution breaks out. Philip finds himself in a city in Samaria where he proclaims the Messiah and meets Simon the Sorcerer. Peter and John join Philip and the […]
What do people think is important to us as a church? Do people think we try to rob people of their joy and freedom?
The Apostle Peter addresses the crowd with new-found boldness and proclaims Jesus as the Son of God and that the promised Holy Spirit has come.