One year on from starting our studies in the Book of Acts, it is good to remind ourselves in Dunfermline Free Church why we are interested in applying its truths in and around us in Fife. This book is sometimes referred to the Acts of the Apostles or maybe more accurately the Acts of the Holy Spirit. It tells how the apostles were led by the Holy Spirit onto do good things and to continue the work of Jesus Christ.
We can’t be super apostles, we are normal people. It can be daunting if we are told to stand up and tell others about Jesus just as the apostles did – we feel overwhelmed when we see Peter’s courage or when we read how Paul led by the Holy Spirit took the gospel to Europe and think we can’t be those people. The church needs you and your family to do only what you and your family can do where God has placed you. It is a work of persuasion, testifying that Jesus is the Christ, trusting that God has a people in this place.